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Image by Tom Barrett


Students Partnering With WDP

We are a group of three MSOE University Honors Scholars Program member. We spent the year navigating the challenges of community based work through a global pandemic. Our goals were to contribute to the platform in any way possible.

WDP 2020/21: Welcome
Image by Kayle Kaupanger
WDP 2020/21: Image

The Wisconsin Decarceration Platform intends to provide post-incarcerated individuals with resources connecting them to places to get involved in their community to better their lives as well as links to information pertaining to laws being passed about incarceration.

WDP 2020/21: Quote


Our names are Molly Pekala, Christina Clark, and Sal Fragassi, and we are a group of three freshman honors students. Our main goal over the course of the year was to help produce a website for the Wisconsin Decarceration Platform that would aid post incarcerated individuals by providing resources and information. Due to COVID-19, working in person was no longer an option, making community based work a challenge. Through online meetings and virtual communication, we were still able to contribute. 

In the first quarter of the year, our work was focused on creating wireframes to be used in the production of the website. We also worked to create documents with information to be used in the website. We met with project leaders multiple times, giving us a better understanding of how we can help.

Our second quarter of our honors program class focused on the architecture of incarceration. In the class, we had many discussions on incarceration. One of our community partners, Shannon Ross, also spoke to us about his whole story as an ex-prisoner and how he is now putting his knowledge towards helping others in life after prison. We also started a database of laws, including their status and summary. 

The last quarter we used to finish up the loose ends of our work. We also conducted an interview with Shannon Ross regarding MSOE student partnership with the Wisconsin Decarceration Platform. This interview was then turned into a podcast.

WDP 2020/21: Text
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WDP 2020/21: Image

Molly Pekala, Christina Clark, Sal Fragassi

WDP 2020/21: Quote
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