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Milwaukee Turners

Donovan Carter, Natalie Evans, Jonathan Phung


"As with so much in my past so far, it's the mission and the adventure that is keeping me here. The time we're living in, the rich history of the Milwaukee Turners, the opportunity for Milwaukee to build this way." 

- Emilio De Torre, executive director of the Milwaukee Turners

Turner History

The acrobatic team of the Milwaukee Turners, 1866

Turnen, German for gymnastics, is a defining characteristic of the titular Milwaukee Turners.  The Turner movement has been defined by its emphasis on a “sound mind in a sound body,” combining physical exercise, cultural activity, and civic engagement to become a positive force for change in their communities.


From its conception, the Turners combined physical training, gymnastics, culture, and politics to prepare young German men for armed resistance against the French. Turner gymnastics was the centerpiece of the group’s activity, causing masculine strength and agility to be especially valued


Gymnasts from Milwaukee competed in many gymnastics tournaments. For example, in 1880, the Turner gymnasts won the most awards at the 1880 Turnfest in Frankfurt, Germany.  The Milwaukee Turners also provided gymnastics classes for children and women. 


In addition to gymnastics, the Turners emphasized their intellectual endeavors as well. As a center for intellectual life, cultural engagement, and political dialogue, Turner Hall was a place where people could attend plays, concerts, or lectures, and socialize at balls, picnics, or the bar. 


The Turners also became increasingly involved in socialist politics in the decades surrounding the Civil War. Many Turner chapters debated the institution of slavery, opting to side with the Union and even acting as President Lincoln’s personal bodyguards.


Today, the Milwaukee Turners still hold charitable events, social justice seminars, and provide athletic facilities and a rock-climbing wall to the public. The Turner Ballroom Preservation Trust oversees the restaurant and space dedicated to cultural and civic activities.

One of their community service activities is an annual Christmas Food Drive, where volunteers and Turner members collect food donations to provide to shelters and people in need.

Servant Leadership Story

Mission Statement

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In partnering with the Milwaukee Turners and executive director Emilio de Torre, our mission was to assist the organization in their endeavors regarding community outreach, social justice, and preservation of the organization’s history.

Our journey began in October, 2020, when we first visited Turner Hall.  After introducing ourselves to Emilio, he gave us an in-depth tour of the building and explained the rich history of the Turners, including their activism during the Civil War and Civil Rights Era, physical fitness through gymnastics and rock climbing, and community involvement through food and diaper giveaways.

Virtual interview with Emilio, 2021


Turner Hall has an abundance of historical letters, documents, and pictures that illustrate the Turners’ dynamic history. However, many of these artifacts are not well organized or archived.  Emilio wanted us to help create a cohesive, user-friendly online database of Turner history for the public, one document at a time.


The purpose of this database is to allow others to gain a deeper appreciation for our histories.  Countless people tirelessly fought to preserve and protect our civil liberties and uphold the basic rights guaranteed to all people.

For the database, Emilio provided us Turner membership cards that had various pieces of information about past Turner members, including their names, addresses, and membership years. We created Excel spreadsheets to organize these individuals and provided them to Emilio for addition to the database.


Front of a Turner membership card, date unknown, (taken 2021)


Back of a Turner membership card, date unknown, (taken 2021)


Turner membership cards from 1999, 2001, (taken 2021)

We were also challenged with creating a platform to communicate with current Turner members regarding updates and announcements for Turner events.  In addition, we were tasked with creating a virtual tour of Turner Hall, with a drone, in order to capture 360-degree footage.

Pilot drone footage taken of Turner Hall, 2020

Milwaukee Turners Advertisement
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Finally, we were asked to digitize old Turner media for their preservation.  Emilio wanted to archive further Turner history if possible. They included 8 mm film, cassette tapes, CDs, and DVDs.

An advertisement for Turner Hall on a cassette tape, date unknown (taken 2021)



Looking back at our experiences, we have learned a lot about the Milwaukee Turners, their historical significance, and the impact they’re making in our community today.

​Regarding improvements, we should have established more short-term goals that were more practical for us to complete in the time we had, especially considering our inexperience and the challenges surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. We also should have established a more consistent and reliable method of communication with our servant leadership partners.

Emilio hosting "In Courts and Prisons: How Do We Address Violent Crime?", 2021

Donovan Carter, Natalie Evans, Jonathan Phung
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